Thursday, October 30, 2008


Okay, so I had the scariest dream last night.  All of a sudden, I have this baby.  I never had a belly, so I didn't even know I was pregnant until I was giving birth. Well, I end up having a baby girl, and I am like begging my mom to come and stay with me so that she can help me.  For some reason she doesn't end up coming at all and just leaves me stranded all alone with this little girl. I am like trying to learn how to feed her, but its awkward and I have no idea what I am doing.  So I stop feeding her and then for awhile I am just taking her with me everywhere holding her in my arms.

Well my brother for some reason is in my dream and he is hanging out with me and helping me take care of the baby, but then he ends up pretty much taking care of her.   Well,  then all of a sudden  I am holding her and she is old enough to talk, but I am still holding her like she's still a little baby and she keeps calling me by my first name, and I say, "No...Mommy."  She then says "Kawie."  I say " MOMMY!!" and she says, "Kawie, I want Brady. I want Brady. "  I was so upset because my child didn't even like me and seemed like she barely knew me because I didn't know how to raise her.  

I woke up so was the weirdest dream. Sorry if it was all over the place, but that's how the dream seemed too.  I had to share it.  I had to get it off my chest.  Made me realize I am still not ready to have a child.


Kera said...

when you have a dream like this it means that you are needing for something in your life and you just have to dig deep and figure out what that might be.
ok I made all of that up. I have no idea what it means. Probably that you don't have a baby and to all of a sudden have one without preparing for 9 months would be down right FAREAKY!!!
love ya.

Sarah and Trent said...

Now since I'm pregnant I have weird dreams like that all the time! I dreamt that I left my baby in the corner, gave it some chocolate pudding, and went to work. I don't think I'm ready!!! :)
I also dream about having a super tiny baby, like as big as my pinky. It's super scary.

LynDee said...

I had to laugh about the pinky sized baby in your friends dream. Ok so I have no idea about dream interpretations and don't really believe that they mean something "most" of the time. But I will say that it doesn't mean you aren't ready, cause no one is ever really ready!!! (Not promoting you to have a baby, just stating my opinion.)And if you think you are are in for a surprise!

terynmendenhall said...

This is great....ok scary for you but really funny to me. You are having some great dreams as of late. Whenever you have will be an amazing Mom. I know cause you're an amazing friend. Ahhhh

Please tell more dream stories though cause they make me laugh really hard.

Kaesy said...

Okay, been meaning to comment. This means you ARE ready for a baby.

And Teryn needs to quit sucking up. We all know what a terrible friend you are.

The Hammonds said...

I think you want to DIE! I know where you live!